We will sell you new filters at the BEST prices around!!!
We specialize in filters for dust collectors, Smog-Hogs, Smokeeters, bag houses, mist collectors, gas turbines and other similar applications. Do you spend top dollar to buy OEM filters for your equipment? You don't need to. In many cases, the OEM filters were made by the same people that make filters for us. The difference is that we bring them to you for a better price. That means the same quality at a lower price. So, if you have a Torit, Farr, Dust Hog, Aercology, Nordson, Wagner, Binks, Dustex, Wheelabrator or similar filter call us.
Do not spend too much money buying OEM filters, CALL US!

Looking for replacement filters but don't want to pay top dollar anymore?
If you see your filter, or a similar one, pictured above we can save you money. The truth is that most equipment manufacturers have their filters made for them. They put their name on the filter and charge you way too much for them. We buy our filters from the same people that the manufacturers are getting their filters from but don't charge you so much for them. So if you are looking for a new filter for your dust collector, Smog-Hog, Smokeeter, paint booth, bag house, grinding application or similar application, give us a call.
Although we have an extensive cross-reference list, we don't have a complete list. For a quick and accurate quote it is always best to know the part number of the filter, the model number, the dimensions, the efficiency, whether it has gaskets or not, and is it a wooden, metal or cardboard frame. Most of this information will be right on the filter. The more you know, the easier it will be to get you a quote. Not all the above factors apply to every filter. We look forward to hearing from you!